According to the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly one-third of all seniors over the age of 60 are aging in-home by themselves and one-fifth of all seniors live in a rural area (in some states it's more than half of its older population). When family and friends are distant, checking in often is a way to alleviate concerns about your health and safety, however, it can also become repetitive and monotonous over time.
Snug is a simple-to-use, daily check-in service for older adults that helps to assure loved ones that you’re fine. At a selected time each day, the smartphone app will ask you to tap an acknowledgment button to receive a daily motivational message. If a check-in is missed, Snug sends a text message to alert emergency contacts that a response hasn’t been given.
The basic version of Snug is free, but an optional Snug dispatch plan (where the company provides escalated monitoring assistance) is priced at $9.99/month or $99/year. The app is available for both iOS and Android devices and is well-reviewed. For independent seniors (and their families) the simple assurance of a daily check-in is an easier way for everyone to find peace of mind.
Tags:#snugsafe, #app, #safetycheck