When a person shows vulnerability, has declined in health, or is in a state of emotional distress, most would consider that person to be frail. Trained caregivers are able to differentiate levels of frailty so they can provide the best possible care. For untrained family caregivers, however, interpreting frailty is often subjective to what they observe.
The Path Frailty app is a tool that families can use to assess frailty more objectively. Based on the Frailty Assessment for Care planning (FACT) tool that medical professionals use, brief questions are asked to ascertain mobility, function, and cognition. The app is simple to use, the results are easy to understand, and care recommendations for each type of frailty are provided.
Because frailty is easily generalized, understanding levels of differences is a way for older adults and their family caregivers to not overemphasize risk adversity and allow them to sustain a higher quality of life. The app is available for free for both iOS and Android devices.
Tags: #Path, #frailtyapp, #frailty, #caregiver