Once driving becomes difficult, rideshare programs like Uber and Lyft supply a welcome alternative to public transportation and make it easier for aging parents to independently travel where they want to go. Ordering these services, however, requires the ability to use a smartphone app and comes without the guarantee that someone can help with specific elderly needs.
GoGo Grandparent is an add-on service to both Uber and Lyft and allows Seniors to use these rideshare programs without the use of a smartphone app. Once an account has been set up with a registered credit card, users can call the concierge service from a landline/cell phone to schedule a ride. Payment requires a small, per-minute fee added to the rideshare charge and includes a 24/7 operator who can provide ride/route updates for concerned family members. Trips can also be scheduled in advance or simple non-rider errands can be requested (i.e., picking up meals, groceries, or medications).
GoGo Grandparent also helps to request drivers and vehicles that will meet a senior’s needs (a car that accommodates a wheelchair or prioritizing door-to-door drop-offs). Available nationwide, the service offers the convenience of rideshare without the challenge of having to use a complex app. It eliminates the worries of driving and is a great way of helping a loved one transition into giving up their car.
Tags: #Uber, #Lyft, #gogoggranparent, #ridesharing